TEAM Terminal BV is one of the largest oil terminals in the port of Rotterdam. Its shareholders are ESSO, BP and Aramco. Yearly TEAM Terminal moves 35 million cubic meter crude oil; one quarter of the total production in the port of Rotterdam.
TEAM Terminal wants to be in control over its assets so it can secure continuity and safety better. An asset management system based on ISO 55000 can be a great support to achieve this. AssetPouwer in cooperation with ZAAM investigated on what aspects the asset management could be improved, using ISO 55001.
AssetPouwer performed an ISO 55001 gap analysis of the asset management in the form of a maturity scan. This scan indicated to what extent the organization complies with ISO 55001 on every aspect. It showed explicit examples for every aspect and gives advice for improvement if needed.
The results of the investigation were presented to the management team and discussed in a workshop. During this meeting it was decided what points for improvement will be implemented.
How TEAM Terminal has experienced this analysis can be read in a testimonial by Ab de Moor from TEAM Terminal.