Advice & Interim Management

ISO 55000 - Assetmanagement

THE new asset management standard. What does this standard look like?

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ISO 55000 target group

Who is ISO 55000 meant for, and what can you use it for?

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ISO 55000 fundamentals

What are the fundamentals ISO 55000 is based on? And what does this mean in practice?

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ISO 55001 certification

In good asset management everything serves the strategic objectives of the organization and its stakeholders. In order to guarantee this, an asset management system is needed. This management system can possibly be certified to ISO 55001.

Not an end in itself

Certification, however, should not be an end in itself. This is the shared vision at many asset management conferences. It is more import that the management system is well designed and that asset management is well. It is essential that all stakeholders are aware of their role in the organization in relation to the strategic objectives, that they act accordingly and have the required knowledge and skills for this.

Reasons for certification

Reasons to certify your asset management system to ISO 55001 could be:

  • Being able to demonstrate to the regulator or other stakeholders that you control your asset management;
  • To set a specific objective during the implementation of improvements in the field of asset management;
  • Extra discipline to permanently maintain your asset management system.

Who can be certified in accordance with ISO 55001

To certify your organization to ISO 55001 is essential that your organization manages assets in practice. Service providers and contractors that have the (contracted) role of asset manager, may also qualify for certification.


NEN Asset Management Committee ISO 55000 ISO 55001AssetPouwer follows and influences the developments in the field of asset management and ISO 55000. We are a member of the ISO/TC 251 Asset Management Committee".